
God is good...


Forgive the vagueness of this post, but you'll get the general idea...

I had been wanting to do this certain thing for a month or so. It wasn't going to cost that much. It wasn't a bad thing. It could've actually be seen as a worshipful type thing. Well, I learned a lesson a while back that I HAVE to pray and ask God if I should do things or not. I think I had just grown a custom to only praying over the really large things...not so much my daily tasks. So I had been praying about this thing. I heard no...after all I already had clients scheduled that day, I would have to sit by myself, I possibly wouldn't be able to see some friends I really wanted to see, ect. Well, I kept on. Everytime I'd look at tickets, the seat I requested would "magically" disappear. Then a friend thought they would have a seat for me and that fell through. Basically with every step, it was clear that His answer was no. So I somewhat obliged and said it just wasn't meant to be. I didn't understand why. I was even a little upset when the day came because I wanted to do this thing very badly. About halfway through the day, I was shown why I was told no. God spared me from a HUGE heartbreak! I cried! Not only did He specifically tell me something, and for once I listened, but He also showed me why His answer was no even though He didn't have to. It was a huge moment in my Christian walk. God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good!

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