

So after my last post, God broke out His "I'll show you" character. The sermon at my church today was on Faith & the Sunday School lesson was on faith! The Scripture reference was Exodus 3:1-14 and 4:1-4 We had a guest speaker named Tim Miller. Starting tomorrow, you can find the video of the service online at He basically started off by getting us to think about situations that we've planned out and they haven't gone the way we thought they would. He also wanted us to think about times when we've had good intentions, but made poor decisions. Moses had good intentions to be used by God, but made a poor decision in killing an Egyptian which changed everything. In these passages, God proves over and over that He is who He says He is and He will have His purpose accomplished. Our sin has been covered by the blood of Christ and it's grace that allows us to press forward. His basic message was Grow in grace, gain more knowledge of Jesus, and apply His truth. (I know this post might not make a whole lot of sense so just go watch the sermon online.) It was really good. He ended by asking us to walk up to a table. The table had Faith spelled out in mustard seeds. We were to take one. The Praise team ended out the service by singing "waiting here for you" by Christy of my favorites!

The seeds were so small that I couldn't even just pick up one. I grabbed two and this is what they look like in the middle of my hand. Matthew 17:20 says "He replied, Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith, as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

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