
A whole lotta love...

 I spent the Sunday before Valentine's Day pretty upset. On Saturday, leaving the women's retreat at church, I said out loud and on Facebook that 'God is enough" Coincidence that I spend the next day wailing my eyes out about missing my Dad and wanting my Prince Charming...I think not.  2-21-12Side note: I do believe God is enough. I've just spent the last couple of weeks trying to figure out how to make that truly a reality in my life.  I crave that physical affection and protection and love from a man and the desire to be married and have children.  I know in my head that God will fulfill His promises to me in His timing and they will be just right for me...I just don't know how to tell my heart to chill out and be satisfied with the only one who can truly satisfy.
PS-Thanks to all the family and friends who have supported me in this new journey and who have loved me my whole life too!
 Cupid had to mail her presents this year-that was different.  I wrapped the presents in tissue paper before putting them in the mailing box. Then my sweet sister in law sent me the picture of the girls with their gifts.  Heart shaped chalk boards, skittles, love socks, and the book "Under the same moon" that I recorded my voice reading it to them.  It took a few tries to read those words to my sweet girls without losing a few tears. Love You!!!
 I love surprises!  I always have.  Being single kinda limits opportunities for surprises.  However, my wonderful cousin surprised me on Valentine's Day with this!  I'm so thankful for our friendship and the ability to help each other out during this love/hate relationship time called the single life.

Love getting the Steel's magazine in the mail.  Makes me feel like I get to go to all the fun events in Valdosta :) Besides the fact that I love getting anything in the mail that isn't a bill.  I miss my family and friends in Valdosta, but I do not miss the way I felt pressured to be a certain type person while living there.

Weight Loss Catch Up:

(actually took this pic on 1-23-12, but I like it)

2/14/12 lost 2 lbs for a total loss of 24lbs (scary thing weighing myself on Valentine's Day-could've sent me in a tail spin for carbs, but I did ok.) I'm able to wear some jeans that I haven't been able to wear without suffocating myself and my jackets are loose too :)
2/21/12 lost 2 lbs for a total loss of 26lbs!!!  It's crazy how much easier it is to eat healthier in a big city.  Every grocery store has an organic section and there's all kinds of foods marked gluten free all over the store.  I'm by no means eating straight gluten free, but I am trying to when I buy packaged foods.  All those excuses I've used over the years about the cost of eating healthier-I've realized it was never really about the money. It was about the convenience of eating bad stuff.  It's fast and that means more time to do other stuff, right? Well, I'm worth more than a little convenience. I'm thankful for the life God gave me and it's about time I started truly taking care of it. I will now get off my soap box and return you to your regularly scheduled programming. hehe
PS-Aunt Susie-I can't give up my poppyseed chicken and Raeanna loves it too.  We eat it by itself-no rice and I'd only figured out these modifications- whole wheat Ritz and greek yogurt instead of sour cream.

Also, a little shout out to my new baby cousin "Sam".  What a cutie!  Congrats to Kate and Chuck~!!!