
Spend the night party at the Dixon's

3-16 I went to spend the night with The Dixons. Bubba was getting tubes in his ears early on Thursday am so I volunteered to hang out with Mary Bennett while they were gone. Ray cooked us an amazing dinner as usual. Salmon with an salad with fresh Parmesan cheese and sundried tomatoes. I can't even begin to tell you how delicious it was.
And then there was dessert. Oh my goodness! I can't even remember what it was called other than heaven in my mouth. A chocolate custard with fresh mint whipped cream. Did I mention he went out into their garden and picked the mint? It was so scrumptious, I could only eat half. I was gonna be bad and eat the rest for breakfast, but I forgot. I think Lacy was very happy I forgot!
Bananagrams is a game that Ray got for Christmas and takes at least 3 people to play so we broke it out after the children went to bed. This was my winning board. It's like speed scrabble.
Poor Lacy...she was not a winner! Ray had to give her a little "it's alright love" pat on the back. Seriously though, we had a great time playing and talking and listening to all kinds of music! I will say that I now know why Mama's go to bed so early. My 6:30 wake up call from MB was a little startling. Actually it was really sweet. She got in the bed with me and we snuggled until 7:30. We played a little Chutes and Ladders, ate breakfast, got dressed, brushed her teeth, and fixed her hair. I wish I had taken a pic of her to put on here. It was St Patty's Day so she was very excited about picking out her green outfit. She was GREEN from head to toe. :) Love my Family!

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