10-2-11 After the Mom's left, the house was so quiet! I wasn't even sure what to do next. (I guess I got used to having the Boss around ;). Thankfully, The Isaac's had a show in downtown Nashville so I met Malinda, Kelly, and Nate at Cantina Laredo for lunch afterwards. Then they came to see the new house. Nate said he was helping us move. lol He was so nice to come last week and help hang a shelf and move some boxes before he had to leave out for the weekend. 10-5-11 My first day of work I would call this day...my initiation day! I went in at 12 to meet with the boss and then did massage on my coworkers from 1:30-8. They were supposed to be telling me if there was anything I should do differently as far as the routine things we are supposed to do during each massage. I was happy to meet some of my other coworkers & give them much needed massages. I was just exhausted at the end of the day! When I left Valdosta, I was doing 18-25 massages per week. They were just in the form of 2-3 in the morning and 2-3 in the afternoon with lots of time in between. At the spa, I work Mon 8am-2pm, off Tuesday, Wed-Fri 2pm-8pm, Sat 8am-2pm, and off Sunday. I love the freedom I have before and after work. It's just going to take my body some time to adjust to working 6 hour shifts. :) I do love being booked and not having to worry about scheduling clients. It's crazy how people here don't have any qualms about spending money to take care of themselves. Also, on my 3rd day of work, I was sent to a celebrity's home to do a massage. How cool!!! Then the next day, I got to work on another one in the spa. I'm not star struck...I just think it's so cool that I'm getting to do something I'd never have gotten the chance to do in Valdosta.
So after moving and a new super busy work schedule...my body has been aching! Nothing like taking multiple epsom salt baths. No, I didn't use it for the first suggested use on the bag! 10-7-11 The epic Valdosta vs Lowndes game...I knew I would miss the first part of it on tv because of work so I DVR'd it. The Cats winning in the last minute of the game...priceless!!! So glad they broke the 7 year streak!
A great video I found on fb/youtube after the game! I loved seeing the police car come escorting the team. It was a flash of memories of my Dad. I loved watching the rest and reminiscing about high school. The traditions of VHS will live on forever. I instantly was drawn back to my days there! 10-8-11 My first TN party and this guy was in the yard when we pulled up! Perfect!!! I'm so thankful for Raeanna!! It was cool meeting all her MD friends. Icing on top of the cake was that UGA beat TN!!! Great day! Loved seeing Malcom Mitchell #26 playing for UGA and being able to brag to the TN folks that he went to my high school! One of the meals I made during the week. It looked so pretty I had to take a picture. No, not so healthy, but homemade non the less. 10-11-11 Jeffery had a meeting in Goodletsville, TN this week which is about 35 minutes north of Nashville. Allison & I spent the afternoon shopping and met Jeffrey after his meeting for dinner. Center Point Bbq was what he wanted to eat. I had the best time hanging out with my childhood pal, Allison. Thanks for helping me find some great deals on some black clothes for work. Next time, I'll make sure we take a picture at the beginning of the day instead of the end. One of our great waitresses. This hole in the wall restaurant in Hendersonville has good food and great service! Jeffrey snapped her pic and told her it would be on the internet. Her response, "cool." Sweet & Sassy bbq sauce fits me perfectly, don't ya think? When J said he wanted bbq & that he'd been to this place for lunch, I asked him if they had mac n cheese. This wasn't quite what I was looking for. It was like neon orange!!! I asked the owner what the deal was. He said they use a top quality cheddar cheese that's been made in a powder. Now, I grew up on box Kraft mac n cheese, but this was a bit much. He said if you add too much of the powder, it turns this color. It did taste good, but the color was stopping me from enjoying it at all. J & A made lots of jokes in the car on the way to Sweet CeCe's for dessert. The best one was..."Orange you glad your mac n cheese doesn't look like this? One of my clients in Valdosta got me this frame. It has a perfect spot in my bathroom. I had to post it because it's so true and it makes me smile every time I see it. It especially makes me giggle about #3 since I love mac & cheese! 10-12-11 my first paycheck...
Loved catching up on your life. And if I may be the "BOSS" for a moment, I want the next post to have pictures of the house!
and i love hearing about y'all. it helps me know what's going on. tell us more!
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