
UGA vs Vandy 10-15-11

Bayh Brindger Mraz invited me over for her tailgate party. It was good to see a little bit of Valdosta in Nashville

So glad Kelly could go to the game with me. We had a great time at the game and ended the night at PF Changs.

Getting pumped before the game
Prayer time
CROWELL!!! Only thing better would have been if Malcolm Mitchell would've played. Sadly, he was out recuperating from a strained hamstring.
Look at those tight ends
Love the cheerleaders
Ben O'Brien!! I got to chat with him before the game! So proud of him.

Get it girls!

Seriously disappointed in Vandy's stadium. I really thought they'd have better. This was the "jumbo" screen that was closest to us. See the massive tree blocking it???
Can you tell what's wrong with this pic? The lights in our section went out for a whole quarter!
Hairy Dawg dancing with the band

Our fearless leader
The GA flag flying after a touchdown
Nail biter game! Glad it ended this way...

Thanks to one of my wonderful clients in Valdosta for giving me these tickets for my going away present.

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